Position Title
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Prof. Elizabeth Neumann is a classically trained mass spectrometrist that enjoys
learning and applying other analytical approaches to mass spectrometry imaging for
understanding the interface between chemistry and biology. She obtained her BS
degree from Baylor University in 2015, where she did research under the supervision of
Touradj Solouki. That’s where she developed a passion for mass spectrometry analysis.
She then went on to do her doctoral work at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
under the guidance of Jonathan Sweedler and her postdoc at Vanderbilt University with
Richard Caprioli as seen below. As an independent faculty, Elizabeth strives for a
holistic mentoring approach of each student and strives towards tackling the most
complex biological systems using cutting edge imaging approaches. She also is an avid
board and video game enthusiast.